mca dir kyc form din kyc

DIR-3 KYC – Application for KYC of Directors

Director identification number (DIN) is a unique identification number given to a person wanting to be a director or an existing director of a company. In this digitised era, application in eForm DIR-3 was sufficient to obtain DIN. This was a one-time process for any person who wants to be a director in one or more companies. However, now with the move of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to update its registry, all directors with a DIN will have to submit their KYC details annually in eForm DIR-3 KYC.

Who has to file eForm DIR-3 KYC?

As per MCA recent announcement, any director who was allotted a DIN by or on 31st March 2018 and whose DIN is in approved status, will have to submit his KYC details to the MCA. Further, this procedure is mandatory for the disqualified directors too.

From the Financial Year 2019-20 onwards, it is mandatory for every director who has been allotted a DIN on or before the end of the financial year and whose DIN is in approved status, will have to file form DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.

For example– For the Financial Year 2022-23, the directors having DIN or Director Partner Identification Number (DPIN) and the directors allotted with a DIN/DPIN by 31st March 2023, need to file the eForm DIR-3 KYC before 30th September 2023.

Checkpoints for filing the eForm DIR-3 KYC

  • Every Directors unique personal mobile number and email address will have to be provided while filing the eForm. This number and email address will be verified by an OTP (one-time password).
  • The second check implanted here would be that the director has to use his own digital signature while filing this eForm.
  • Further, the third test to ensure that complete and right information is provided will be that the eForm should be certified by a practising Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary, or Cost and Management Accountant.

Consequence of not filing eForm DIR-3 KYC within the specified Due Date

  • In case a director who is supposed to file the e-Form does not file it by 30th September on MCA 21 portal, the department will mark the DIN of such director as ‘Deactivated due to Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’. If the director wishes to re-activate his DIN in future by filing the missed out eForm DIR-3 KYC, he can do so after paying a late fee of Rs 5,000. This fee would be payable on or after 30th September of the year in which the eForm DIR-3 is to be filed. This form needs to be filed annually by the directors.

Guide for filing DIR-3 KYC

  • For filing your DIR-3 KYC form, you’ll need the following documents:

    • Details of Nationality and Citizenship details like gender, and date of birth.
    • Permanent Account Number (PAN).
    • Voters Identity card.
    • Passport (mandatory if a foreign national is holding a DIN).
    • Driving License.
    • Aadhaar card.
    • Personal Mobile and Personal Email Address.
    • Residential address.

    Apart from the items mentioned above, please keep the following things ready:

    • Digital signature of Individual filing the form (applicant).
    • Attestation of the documents mentioned above from Practising Professionals such as CA, CS, or Cost Accountants. In the case of Foreign Nationals, documents need to be attested by the prescribed authority.
    • A declaration has to be provided by the applicant duly attested by practising professionals.


Step by Step Guide to filing your DIR – 3 KYC

Step 1- Download the form from MCA

  • Director has to have a registered business profile on MCA and file DIR-3 KYC form either DIR-KYC Form or Dir-KYC Web

Step 2 – Provide DIN details. Every Director has a Unique DIN

  • The individual/Director must provide his DIN in the KYC form, the status of which is ‘Approved’. Directors’ whose DIN has been deactivated due to non-filing of the KYC can fill the form even after the due date after paying late filing fees.

Step 3 – Enter Relevant Details in the DIR- 3 KYC Form

  • Name and relevant credentials: The applicant must mandatorily enter his and his father’s first and last names. The name entered should match the one mentioned in the PAN. The address mentioned here will be verified with the PAN database. Acronyms, short forms, and single alphabets are not allowed.
  • Nationality: It is important to declare your nationality. In the case of foreign nationals who serve as company directors, nationality, as declared in the passport, should be selected.
  • Declaration of age: A person must enter his date of birth in the DD/MM/YYYY format. It is important that a person is a minimum of 18 years of age while filling this application.
  • Address: While filing the form it is mandatory to enter your permanent residential address. Make sure that these details match the proof of permanent address that is to be attached. A foreign pin code can only be entered only if the state selected is NA. In case the present residential address is not the same as your permanent residential address, it is mandatory to enter your present residential address also.
  • Verification of PAN: It is mandatory to declare your Permanent Account Number (PAN). After entering your PAN details click on the ‘Verify income-tax PAN’ button. The system will then verify your details based on the PAN card number. Please note: The PAN mentioned in the form and the PAN mentioned in the DSC must be the same for successful validation. If the foreign nationals do not have a PAN, the name mentioned in the form must be the same as the name mentioned in the DSC for successful validation.
  • Updating Contact Details and OTP verifications: It is important to enter your personal mobile number, which will be verified by an OTP. Country codes other than +91/91/0 will be allowed only if the individual is not a resident of India. Likewise, you need to enter your personal email ID, which will also be verified by an OTP. After submitting these details, click on the ‘Generate OTP’ button. Separate OTPs will be sent to your mobile number and email ID.

Step 4 – Attachments to be made

The applicant must upload the following documents. Make sure to get these forms attested too before uploading:

  • Proof of Permanent address.
  • Conditional attachments.
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card.
  • Copy of Passport.
  • Proof of present address.

Note: Any other optional attachments should be digitally signed by the applicant.

Step 5 – e-Form Certification by CA

Make sure the eForm is digitally signed by a practising Chartered Accountant. It is important to enter the details of the practising professional and then attach their digital signature.

After a thorough proofread, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Step 6 – Process after form submission

Upon the successful submission of the eForm DIR-3 KYC, an SRN will be generated for the user. This SRN will be used for future correspondence with the MCA.

Step 7 – Success Email from MCA

An email with the approval of the receipt of the form will be sent to the personal email ID of the applicant. Once the email of approval is received, filing eForm DIR-3 KYC is complete.